Wednesday, March 22, 2006

3 months old today!

I'm three months old today, can you believe it! Mommy and I hung out with Pete and Kai and we went to Two Little Red Hens and got a special treat. So let's see...what can I do now that I'm 3 months old...I can smile alot and make funny noises, I can hold my head up and ride around like a monkey in a tree, I like to stare at the lights and the TV and look at myself in the mirror, I can stick both hands in my mouth and I drool alot. I'm still a professional fuss-budget and love to cry and let everyone know I mean business. Yep, I must say I've acheived quite a bit in the last 3 months. Not bad for a baby.


Blogger nana said...

Owen: Wow! You have done a lot in three months , not to mention the enormous milk intake you have achieved! And I don't know anyone so far who has a better sock collection than you do. As far as the fuss budget thing goes, it runs in the family and you gotta keep those parents on their toes and let them know who is in charge. With all that drool, can teeth be far behind?

4:44 AM


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